
Household Pickup

Garbage pick-up for residents is on Wednesdays. Please have your bagged garbage out by 6:00am. North Country Disposal is the contractor.  Please keep your bags light, not too heavy.  Bag and tie all your garbage and if you can, put into a covered can.  This will help to keep the birds and any other animals out of your garbage.

If you have any questions about what is acceptable garbage for Mondays pick up, please call North Country Disposal at 249-4500.

Garbage SHeds 

Garbage sheds are available for residents of Fish, Casey and Helen Lake.  The sheds are there for your convenience, so please do not throw anything outside of regular household garbage in them. 

Township Clean-up (Yearly junk disposal)

The township offers free junk disposal once a year for almost everything you need to get rid of.  There are roll-off dumpsters at the Township Hall and an attendant to assist.  This service is held twice a year, typically in June and September.

ITEMS ALLOWED:  Furniture, Stoves, Wood (less than 4 feet long without nails), Metal, Tires off of rims (4 Maximum), Etc.

ITEM NOT ALLOWED:  Household Garbage, Lawn Clippings and Brush, Refrigerators, Lead-based Paint Containers.


If you need to dispose of any non-household regular garbage outside of the Spring and Winter clean-ups, there are Transfer Station Tickets available for purchase at the Town hall for $8 per 100#.


Recycling Program

Humboldt Township has curbside recycling that gets picked up weekly with your garbage. You may use any type of container to hold your recyclables. Recycling is single stream so there is no need to separate items. Glass is not accepted in recycling at this time.