Medical Marihuana Facilities F.A.Q.

What type of Facilities are allowed in humboldt township?

Growers, Classes A, B & C


Safety Compliance Facilities

Secure Transporters

(Section 2.1 Humboldt Township Ordinance Authorizing and Permitting Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities)

What type of facilities are unlawful in Humboldt Township?

Provisioning Centers

(Section 2.3 Humboldt Township Ordinance Authorizing and Permitting Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities)

How many of each lawful facility are allowed?

Growers Class A: 10

Growers Class B: 10

Growers Class C: 10

Processor Permits: 5

Safety Compliance Facilities: 5

Secure Transporter Permits: 2

(Section 2.2 Humboldt Township Ordinance Authorizing and Permitting Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities)

Where can facilities be located?

Current zoning regulations allow for facilities to be located in the Industrial zoning districts.  There may be further zoning requirements even within the Industrial districts, so if you have questions I recommend contacting our zoning administrator.  To see where Industrial zoned districts are, you can review our Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by clicking here.

(Section 316(B) Zoning Ordinance, District I: Industrial, Permitted Principal Uses)

What is the application deadline?

March 3 (90 days before June 1)

(Section 2.8, Section 4.2, Humboldt Township Ordinance Authorizing and Permitting Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities)

When is a permit effective?

Upon approval an application is effective from June 1 – June 1 of the following year.

(Section 2.8 Humboldt Township Ordinance Authorizing and Permitting Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities)

What is the application fee?

Currently $300. The application fee is set by resolution. You can find the resolution here.

More Frequently asked questions will be added in the near future. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact our office at (906)339-2927 or